Pitch Black

Pitch Black - Programmer / UI

Game Engine- Unity

Project Length – 1 month

Group Project


Project Description

Pitch Black is a group project that I made with a team during the Game Programming II Course. This game is a psuedo-horror / thriller game. Stranded at a camp during the night, you must find a way to escape.

As the name of the game suggests, you are stranded with little light to guide your way. You must find your way around the camp using only the campfires and your flashlight.


While working on this game I was in charge of UI functionality & Animations, The Temperature System, The Fire Particle System, and I helped with object placement & Key functionality.


For the particle system, I created a multistage system using Unity’s particle system component. It features the main fire, made up of multiple fire images that change color and opacity over their lifetime. The second system is the embers, which are made up of small circular particles that change based on lifetime. The last system is the smoke, which rises up and slowly dissipates.

The Temperature system is the other key feature that I worked on. When the player is not inside a building or by a fire, they will slowly lose temperature. If one of the ghost enemies gets too close to the player they will also lose temperature. When their temperature gets too low they will begin to move slower and slower until they die.

In order to warm up the player has to make their way inside a building or to a campfire. The players temperature is communicated through changing colors in the bottom right UI.